Customer testimonials
“Thank you very much for your words, which mean a lot to me.” Gerald
Eine fordernde, aber herausragende Vorstellung zum Thema 'Leadership' auf oberster Ebene – praxisnah und sofort anwendbar.
Dr. A. Dresel
Plant Manager, AZ Electronic Materials
Gerald is one of the most amazing leadership trainers. It is all about instruments and applying them backed-up with solid evidence. And you can apply immediately what you have learnt and heard.
Dr. Andy Weymann
Vice President, Smith & Nephew, Zürich Area, Schweiz, Medical Devices
Vielen Dank für Ihre Schulung letzte Woche. Für Festo ist die Vorgehensweise mit Ihren Tools (oder durch Ihren „Mindset“) eine große Chance, Missverständnisse in Abstimmungen zu vermeiden. Die Themen werden klar definiert (Klarheitskreis), durch die 9 Kammern werden wir noch effektiver, effizienter und innovativer. Vielen Dank für das interessante Training.
Andreas Schlegel
Leitung Component Solutions, Festo AG & Co. KG
Sehr ganzheitlicher Ansatz des Trainings: verbale und nonverbale Aspekte werden berücksichtigt, Ursache-/Wirkungszusammenhänge klar und systematisch aufgezeigt. Die präsentierten Werkzeuge wurden immer in einen Gesamtkontext gestellt und nie isoliert voneinander besprochen. Wertvolles, individuelles Feedback, das klare und unmittelbare Möglichkeiten zur Umsetzung beinhaltet.
Andreas Schüpfer
Director Finance, Sterling SIHI GmbH
Called 'Business Consultant' but additionally full of impactful personal supportive ideas and tools. Participating in his courses is an experience and not a duty. You leave with plenty of energy and a good feeling. Top managers, group leaders, and employees will be enriched by his courses.
Anja Kopp
Senior Director Supply Chain Management, W.E.T. Automotive Systems AG
Mit diesem Tool kann ich mein Team und mich gut organisieren, habe Transparenz über den Workflow und einen Just-in-Time-Status. Das Team fühlt sich mitverantwortlich und eingebunden. Akzeptanz und Identifikation sind hoch.
Arno Delpy
Team Runge, T-COM
Sehr geehrter Herr Hüsch, wir hatten das Privileg, dass Sie eine Gruppe von Chirurgen an der McMaster University, Kanada, sowie die indische Gesellschaft der Unfallchirurgen in Pune, Indien in Ihrer evidenzbasierten Führung schulten. Beide Male hat sich gezeigt, wie wertvoll Ihre Lehransätze sind. Alles in allem ist meine bescheidene Meinung: Evidence-based Leadership & Management ist ein Muss für alle, die mit Menschen in der Gesundheitsbranche zu tun haben – Patienten, Kollegen, Mitarbeiter, Institutionen. Ihr Pfad stellt den 'Missing Link' bereit.
Dr. Beate Hanson
Vice President, Worldwide Medical, Clinical Research, Baxter International Inc.
Das Training vermittelt viele einfach und sofort anwendbare Tools, um sicher und effektiv mit den häufigsten Themen der Mitarbeiterführung professionell umgehen zu können. Und das auf sehr anschauliche Weise und mit viel Spaß.
Bernhard Richter
Leiter Leistungszentrum Großserienventile, Festo
Gerald‘s approach to Leadership training was unlike any I‘ve ever experienced, and the best I‘ve seen!
Brett Stewart
Western Union, Vice President, London, United Kingdom, Financial Services
Leading Light. Huesch lives what he teaches.
India's first and foremost business magazine
Gerald masterfully translates his outstanding leadership skills and passion for business into highly motivating and inspiring training/coaching sessions. A pleasure.
Camilla Heinzmann
Director, Global Scientific Training, Qiagen
Gerald is a great leadership trainer providing excellent support to each individual during his consultations. All experiences learnt can be transferred in your day-to-day life very easily. Looking forward to my next cooperation.
Carsten Arntz
Dear Gerald, with deep respect, I endorse you wholeheartedly, to not only use and apply my 4-D-System of How NASA Builds Teams, but to train 4-D facilitators and even to take it to the next level to develop it for the better good of leaders wanting to lead in a new world leadership league: How NASA Leads Teams. You have proven a deep knowledge from your own 20 years of award-winning leadership programs with outstanding evidence-based leadership techniques and modules. Most important to me, Gerald, you lead your companies and live your life in the 5th Quintile of the 4 D-System. I am deeply impressed and grateful meeting you and trusting you my legacy. Towards new performance heights, I assure all leadership teams around the world a unique and truly uplifting experience with Gerald Hüsch. You are in great hands!
Dr. Charles J. Pellerin
Frm Head of Hubble Telescope, Inventor; Research Astrophysicist; Director, NASA Astrophysics; CU Business School Professor
Dear Gerald, this is my overview about the relevance and benefits of your - Leadership & Collaboration-System used within Festo:
1. 'Increases productivity at all levels - by a multiple factor.' 2. 'Highest clarity - lowest misunderstanding from the CEO to the shop floor.' 3. 'Reliable responsiveness to markets, customers, internal and external stakeholders.' 4. 'Improved target-achievement ratio: Lower replenishment lead time. Lower production cost. Increased Delivery InTime - InBudget – InQuality.' 5. 'Problems will come much faster to the surface and to the right person, before it becomes critical.' 6. 'Less waste / less blind work / less double work.' 7. 'Less frustration - improved health of all - increased motivation and pride to belong.' 8. 'A unique performance climate and corporate culture.' 9. 'Transformation with new attitude and behaviour culture - worldwide.' 10. 'Easy to handle. Easy to implement. Plug & Play.' 11. 'Highly effective. In all thinkable settings, structures and sizes of teams and projects.' 12. 'Globally applicable – across hierarchies, all levels and silos as well as in a matrix organisations.' 13. 'Interculturally valid.' 14. 'A joy to use.'
Dr. Claus Jessen
Vorstand, FESTO
We hired Gerald for our leadership training some weeks ago. Before starting this one-week workshop, we all have been one-man-shows without playing and acting as a real team. Gerald and his partner Urs in this workshop have chosen the right 'instruments' (sport, mental training, management tools, personal feedback, process-related games) in order to build up a team spirit. And it worked! During this week, we have opened our minds and have taken the first and right steps to become a leadership team and to improve our individual personality in terms of communication with a team/our colleagues and ourselves. We are highly interested in taking part in the second part of this workshop next year. Thanks, Gerald. Thanks, Urs.
Daniela Moellers
Associate Director, Product Management + Business Dev., Lufthansa, Airplus
I attended a leadership seminar led by Gerald Huesch in 2007. I believe he is a master in his field. Three key components of his overall presentation stood out:
1. The amount of personal training and research that Gerald has completed to become an expert was clear immediately and throughout the seminar.
2. Gerald showed a tremendous talent for perceiving his audience’s needs and adapting each individual answer as well as daily class agendas accordingly.
3. Gerald is able to teach technical skills and tools while also inspiring class members to strive for excellence.
I recommend Gerald as an expert and a facilitator in the field of leadership development.
Daisy Dix
Finance Director, Western Union
‘Good’ is not enough to describe the quality of this course. The impact this training already had is phenomenal. I am certain that the impact we have seen in the past three days is only the tip of the iceberg. For me personally, I have gained a lot; a few examples are: analysis of myself, connection with my peer managers, and many, many ideas to improve my management skills. The impact goes beyond my professional life; it will affect my personal well-being, my relationship with my loved ones, and my ability to make the world better.
Director Global Training
innogy Consulting GmbH, Essen
I would like to term your session at Saertex, Pune, as a major turning point in my life as I had mentioned in the feedback session. I was under perception (wrong one) that I need to improve only maybe 10%. Your session has given me scope of 5-6 times in personal, family, social, professional, and spiritual aspects of life. I'd be forever thankful to you for having made such a difference!!!
Divyanand D. Deshbhandari
Senior Manager, Saertex Excellence Center, SAERTEX INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, Pune, Indien
Gerald Huesch has been involved as leadership trainer/coach at Prion India. The tools and techniques provided by Gerald provide a solid foundation for the Prion India leadership team to speak common management language. These tools additionally help to reach 'over exceeding customer expectations' state and still keep all employees highly motivated. Prion India is looking forward to continuous leadership coaching from Gerald in the future.
Ehsan Shariff
General Manager, Prion PLM & IT Services Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, Indien
Sehr geehrter Herr Hüsch, am 27. September 2010 gab Mondi den Abschluss seines STEP Projektes bekannt, des größten Modernisierungsprojektes der letzten drei Jahrzehnte in der russischen Papier- und Zellstoff-Industrie mit einem Investitionsvolumen von 545 Millionen Euro.
Es gab und gibt zwei Erfolgsfaktoren:
1. Die fachliche und technische Höchstleistung aller Experten.
2. Die Leadership-Höchstleistung aller Manager aller Ebenen: 5 Board Member, 20 Senior Manager und 60 Direktoren.
Sie sind mit dem Auftrag angetreten: „Scheitern ist keine Option – Putin kommt.“
Kurzum: Sie haben wesentlichen Anteil am Erfolg. Ihre Leadership-Philosophie, Ihre wissenschaftlich belegten Instrumente, Ihre klare Systematik sowie Ihre integre Persönlichkeit und Ihr verlässliches Handeln waren und sind von unschätzbarem Wert für mich persönlich und für unsere Organisation.
Hierfür möchte ich Ihnen ausdrücklich Dank sagen.
Ihr Gerhard Kornfeld.
Übrigens: Russlands Premierminister Wladimir Putin war nicht nur kenntnisreich, sondern auch sichtlich beeindruckt. Wir konnten ihm gegenüber unser Versprechen einhalten. Ergo: Auftrag erfüllt. Nochmals vielen Dank.
Dr. Gerhard Kornfeld
CEO Mondi Syktyvkar, Russland
In den Teams TSAM und CRM-T zeigen sich positive Entwicklungen:
• Mängelbearbeitung umgesetzt
• Problembearbeitung in 10 Tagen
• Altfälle abgearbeitet
• Eskalationsverfahren vereinbart.
CRM-T nach erstem Plateau-Meeting: Ziele für die nächsten 30 Tage vereinbart.
Henning Runge
Telekom ZIT
Feines Tool: Saubere Logik und Struktur. Klar wird, was behindert, welche Arbeitsschritte notwendig sind, wo Abgrenzungen der Arbeitsbereiche bestehen und was das allgemeine Doing ist.
Telekom ZIT
Gerald Hüsch gestaltet das Training kurzweilig, punktgenau und damit äußerst effizient. Viele Seminare und Workshops lassen Teilnehmer zurück, die ratlos bezüglich der konkreten Umsetzbarkeit der Lerninhalte sind. Anders bei Gerald Hüsch: Er vermittelt detaillierte Tools und Prüfroutinen, die extrem praxisnah und damit hilfreich sind.
Sehr empfehlenswert!
Holger Eckstein
CFO, Hubert Burda Media Holding KG
Auch im Namen meines Sohnes danke ich Ihnen sehr herzlich für die Zusendung der Unterlagen, aber auch und vor allem für diesen wunderbaren, sehr interessanten Tag. Gerade für unsere Praxis beim täglichen Umgang mit unseren Kollegen und Mitarbeitern, aber auch mit den teilweise sehr schwierigen Auftraggebern, war Ihr Seminar und die Anregungen sehr hilfreich.
Ich bin letztes Jahr 60 Jahre alt geworden und nun schon 30 Jahre in unserem Büro tätig, davon über 20 Jahre als geschäftsführender Gesellschafter. Ich habe bestimmt schon sehr viele Erfahrungen sammeln dürfen und habe mir trotzdem, auch in diesem Alter, noch ein solches Seminar 'angetan'. Ich muss sagen, es war einfach toll, dass ich dies noch mitmachen durfte.
Schade, dass ich diese wertvollen Hinweise erst so spät erfahren habe, und ich bin sehr froh, dass mein Sohn, der unser Büro weiterführen will, nun schon am Anfang seiner Karriere weiß, wo es langgeht und wie er sich und unsere Organisation strukturieren kann.
Es ist sehr schwer, einzelne Dinge besonders hervorzuheben, da einfach alles gepasst hat. Das hat angefangen von der tollen Atmosphäre, die alle Teilnehmer gespürt haben und erleben durften, bis hin zu den sachlichen Inhalten. Sie, Herr Hüsch, haben es verstanden, durch Ihre lockere Art alle Teilnehmer auf 'spielerische' Art mitzunehmen auf eine interessante Reise durch einen Tag, den man in allen Facetten in sein tägliches Leben und Berufsleben umsetzen kann, ja besser gesagt, umsetzen sollte.
Nochmals herzlichen Dank für das sehr interessante, praxisnahe und äußerst hilfreiche Seminar.
Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Kfm. Horst Rieß
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, ibs – Sack & Partner
Dear Gerald, thank you very much for the training in Hamburg. I really enjoyed it.
As I already commented, this is the best training I have received in Leadership (and I have already received a few). Again, thanks a lot.
Juan Javier Pérez
Finance and HR Manager
I have been to dozens of leadership-focused courses, many of them very good, but Gerald’s course was more practical, immediately applicable, and inspiring than any other I have attended. Gerald demonstrates a strong intellectual capacity, a broad and in-depth understanding of his field, and a personable delivery style that inspires trust. I highly recommend him for any role that permits him to share and expand his many varied experiences coaching business leaders around the globe.
Julie Petty
Founder, Mountain Threads, Greater Denver Area, Leisure, Travel & Tourism
The consulting our leadership team received from Gerald was valuable, and all agreed it was better than anything we'd been through before. His knowledge of the subject matter and his ability to impart the information in a meaningful and impactful way was truly the best part of the time we spent with him. He pushed and challenged us beyond our comfort zones until we really learned. Working with Gerald was a pleasure.
Karen Ellis
Western Union, Director, AML Compliance Global Programs and Risk, U.S., Financial Services
Ich habe noch nie erlebt, dass das Huesch-Evidence-Based-Leadership-System nicht die höchsten Leistungen in Bezug auf Effizienz, Wirkung und Ergebnisse liefert. Wenn ich es nicht bewusst anwende – brauche einen sehr guten Tag!
Dr. Klaus Grellmann
Managing Director, goetzpartners
When our management team entered Gerald’s training, we were more or less a team—but more a team of individuals working together with great success than a 'real team.' Gerald taught us extremely useful techniques to become better leaders, better persons, and last but not least, a better team. During our 5-day leadership workshop, Gerald brought us to a new level of team spirit and gave each one of our management team loads of input and individual feedback to increase their leadership skills.
Lars Schmidt
Lufthansa AirPlus, Director Key Account Management & Operations, Frankfurt am Main Area, Financial Services
Gerald brachte unser Management-Team durch ein fünftägiges Leadership-Training auf ein neues Niveau des Teamgeists. Jeder einzelne aus unserem Team hat viel Input und individuelles Feedback erhalten, um seine Führungsfähigkeiten zu verbessern.
Lars Schmidt
Lufthansa AirPlus, Director Key Account Management & Operations, Frankfurt am Main Area, Financial Services
I have had the distinct pleasure of attending the Leadership Training Program facilitated by Gerald Huesch along with many of my colleagues at Western Union. I was very impressed by Gerald's knowledge in the areas of leadership effectiveness, organizational structure, and conducive corporate culture. I thoroughly enjoyed the two-day session as Gerald was very successful in guiding all of us through various leadership topics effortlessly. It was such a great combination of teamwork versus individual effort throughout the session. I have learned a great deal about group dynamics and about myself in terms of leadership style. I wish I could attend more in-depth training of this sort. Thank you, Gerald, for the great work!
Lei Chidester
Western Union, Senior Director, U.S., Financial Services
Dear Mr. Huesch, I’m Madeleine Feng, and work in Festo Logistics Service Center, Jinan, China. I’m really, really honoured to have the opportunity to have a half day to learn your art, your knowledge, your charming stage style and your thoughtful words! I feel already evoked by the concept this morning. But unfortunately, due to work arrangement, I couldn’t learn more and don’t have the opportunity to have the rest content of your class. But, I really do hope I could have the whole package knowledge and looking forward to read from you!
Madeleine Feng
Festo Production Ltd., China, Jinan
Warum stehe ich eigentlich heute hier? Ich möchte Ihnen ein klares Signal geben: Es ist mir und Ihren direkten Führungskräften sehr wichtig, dass Sie heute und morgen am Leadership-Training FVP aktiv mitmachen. Wir hatten schon die Gelegenheit, dieses Training zu absolvieren und waren begeistert. Warum eigentlich? Sie haben doch sicherlich schon an dem ein oder anderen Führungsseminar teilgenommen? Sie vermitteln meistens ähnliche Inhalte auf der Metaebene und beantworten in der Regel nicht die Frage, was sie am nächsten Tag schon anders machen können als zuvor. Sie werden im FVP Leadership-Training die Methoden und Fähigkeiten erlernen und üben können, die Sie schon morgen mal ausprobieren können.
Maik Glutting
Werkleiter, ZF, Werk Berkheim
Highly recommended – eye-opening – great stories.
Managing Director
no name mentioned
I have had the pleasure to participate in a Leadership Program performed by Gerald Huesch. This has been the best program I have ever visited. Gerald is a top motivator, high energy person with a clear feel of people's being. He uses this ability to bring out the best in people, leading to people performing beyond their own expectations. For me personally, the Leadership Program by Gerald has made me perform at a much higher level, allowing me to leverage the performance of my team and motivating each Team Member to perform beyond their expectation while taking ownership of projects and key responsibilities. I sincerely recommend Gerald as multi-talented Trainer and Program Leader and will certainly visit more of his programs in the future.
Mark Monteiro
Head of Product Management EMEA, Invacare Corporation
Hallo Herr Hüsch, Ihr Leadership-Seminar bei uns im Management hat Spuren hinterlassen und unser Meeting am nächsten Tag verlief deutlich anders. Wir haben dies auch zum Anlass genommen, über die weitere Einführung bei SIHI zu diskutieren, und ich habe die Aufgabe mitgenommen, dies in Zusammenarbeit mit drei Kollegen zu präzisieren.
Martin Boelter
Managing Director/COO, Sterling SIHI GmbH
Gerald Huesch has the ability to connect individually with each member of a group and align all of them towards a better management team. His behavior is always authentic. Gerald is emotionally involved and part of the group. His methods and his bulletproof life examples are holding the test of reality and are easy to understand. I am strongly convinced that the success of a training depends highly on the facilitator, and for me, Gerald Huesch, is on the top of the league—not only on the leadership competence scale but as well on the human side scale.
Marlies Moemel
Associate Director Sales, Airplus
To have Gerald leading a leadership training was a great experience. The way he managed our multicultural group was magic. Tough on the subject to achieve results, but gentle to everybody in the group. After more than one month, it’s still easy to remember the exercises from the training, and it’s fun to use them in business practice to improve communication and performance.
Mathias Meissner
Head of Global Business Center, T-Systems International
I attended a seminar where Gerald Huesch presented a very important and essential part concerning excellent business performance and leadership. He really has an inspiring and motivating character with very high values. I admire his way of tackling problems and coming to the crucial point very fast. If you have to solve a major problem in your organization or want to develop it further, he is the person to contact.
Maximilian Mairhofer
Senior Manager, Siemens
Ja, das kann ich nur bestätigen. Auch eine Woche nach dem Kurs wirkt er nachhaltig. Der dreitägige Kurs war keine Minute verlorene Zeit. Es ist genau die Komponente, die ich, neben Controlling-Aspekten, von diesem Masterkurs erwartet hatte. Ich habe Hinweise, Techniken, Vorschläge und Beispiele erhalten, die mich zum Denken anregen und die mich in der Praxis nun täglich unterstützend begleiten und auch zum Anwenden und Umsetzen herausfordern.
Michael Brunner
Stv. Geschäftsführer, Identitas AG
Ich habe diese Woche sehr genossen. Sie als Dozenten zu haben, war ein tolles Erlebnis. Noch nie habe ich in einem Leadership-Seminar (und solche habe ich schon ein paar gemacht) so viele praktische Informationen und Tools erhalten, die ich sofort und relativ einfach einführen und anwenden kann. Ich bin auch davon überzeugt, dass Ihr Seminar punkto Nachhaltigkeit am besten abschneidet. Sie haben mir viel mitgegeben, und ich freue mich darauf, all die gelernten Tools in der Praxis umzusetzen und anzuwenden.
Michael Frey
Senior Manager Finance & HR, HAVI Logistics GmbH
Sehr geehrter Herr Hüsch, vielen Dank für Ihren begeisternden Vortrag und den sicher geführten Weg zu einem besseren und effektiveren Miteinander.
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Steinwachs
Freier Architekt
About the Method of How NASA Build Teams from Dr. Charles Pellerin: '…instrumental in raising the leadership level of my NASA teams to exceptionally high levels...'
Dr. Michael Rudolphi
Frm. Director, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Gerald is passionate about his work and translates that passion to his teaching. He is engaging and professional in his delivery, which makes it easy to apply his work within your professional and personal life.
Mike Kalac
VP, Western Union
Hallo Herr Hüsch, in der Seminarwoche Leadership mit Herrn Hüsch lernte ich sehr viele praktische Tools kennen, welche nicht nur im Beruf, sondern auch im privaten Umfeld (Ehefrau, Kinder und Kollegen) und für sich selbst angewendet werden können. Didaktisch wurde der Inhalt auf höchstem Niveau vermittelt. So wurde gespielt, geübt und jedes Thema mit bleibenden Anekdoten aus der Praxis untermauert.
Mike Ludwig
Business Unit Controller, Swisscom IT Services AG
Dear Gerald, I am very blessed to have had the good fortune of meeting you—our paths were meant to cross. You bring so much hope and optimism which inevitably spreads to everybody in your contact. Wishing you all the best.
Mohit Bhandari
MD, PhD, FRCSC, McMaster University, Kanada
Gerald is a great coach, and his style of supporting each individual by sorting out his/her personal gaps and goals is outstanding.
Norbert Rickert
Senior Director, Smart Grid EMEA, RIVA
Best leadership and communication training I experienced in my life. Lot of wonderful tips to use in the day-to-day life and business to improve efficiency and reduce stress.
Omar Orrego
DyStar, Head South Europe, Portugal, Chemicals
Sehr geehrter Herr Hüsch, seit 2010 führen Sie mit Ihrer Global Leadership School die Ausbildung 'Project Leadership' für RWE Consulting durch. Dieses Trainings-Programm ist speziell für unsere Senior Consultants sowie Business Partner konzipiert und erfüllt u.E. höchste Ansprüche an Didaktik, Umsetzung und Wirksamkeit in der Praxis.
Oliver Riedel
Business Partner, RWE Consulting GmbH
Dear Gerald, it was a great pleasure working with you on the mastery of leadership and people skills. In 3 days, you taught us so many tools. Each of them was useful, easy to learn, and immediately transferable into business. Above that, you showed how to interact with other people in a friendly, human way, even if severe problems are to be solved. This was the most encouraging and helpful training I ever had.
Peter Flicke
Emscher Lippe Energie GmbH, Kundencenter
Weltklasse! Ich habe im Laufe meiner Karriere an vielen verschiedenen Führungstrainings teilgenommen, darunter globale Universitätsprogramme auf höchstem Niveau, einschließlich MIT. Was Geralds erstaunliches Führungssystem von den anderen unterscheidet, ist die Effektivität, der Spaß und die unmittelbare Umsetzbarkeit seiner einzigartigen Techniken – eine Synthese der besten Ansätze für Führung und Zusammenarbeit auf dem globalen Markt. Erstklassige Führungstechniken um erstklassige Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Geralds herausragende Fähigkeit, sein Training an unterschiedliche kulturelle Hintergründe anzupassen, sorgt dafür maximalen Nutzen für die Teilnehmer.
Pierre Samaties
Partner, Roland Berger, Global Head Crypto Economy, Energy
When it comes to professional – for me Gerald is one of the best 'Leadership' experts in Europe and even in the world. His extremely wonderful motivational training and methodology can inspire anyone. He had conducted now the second corporate management training for us and my senior management team. It exceeded all expectations by far. 7 out of 5 stars. His methodology, experience, and practical approach I find unparalleled and can’t remember having seen his profound ability anywhere else in my professional career.
Dr. PKC Bose
Frm. General Manager, SAERTEX INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, India – now: Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Enercon Windenergy Pvt. Ltd
Very interesting. It gave me what I needed and what I seek.
Product Development Manager
no name mentioned
Dear Gerald, on behalf of the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery at McMaster University, we would like to thank you for providing us with the chance to learn about evidence-based leadership and management. Your insights into leadership tools, communication skills, and emotional intelligence were truly well received. Our faculty and residents really benefited from your knowledge transfer. Thank you for making this event such a success.
Prof. Dr. Mohit Bhandari
McMaster University
Gerald is a great person, trustworthy, consistent, and as well a good integrator.
Ralf Heller
Leiter Personal, ZF
Hallo Herr Hüsch, Ihnen vielen Dank, das war nicht nur professionell, sondern individuell auf die Einzelnen der Gruppe genau dosiert, authentisch, einfühlsam und für den Beruf und das eigene Leben eine wichtige Bereicherung. Vielen Dank für Ihre Mail, die ich in der nächsten Woche nutze, und an dieser Stelle auch noch mal meinen Dank von mir für mich an Sie, damit meine ich Ihren persönlichen Input zwischen den Zeilen. Es war toll.
Ralf Kammer
Geschäftsführer, NABER GmbH Versicherungsmakler
Communication success is key to leadership success, which is key to lifetime achievement. Gerry's passion and enthusiasm in spreading communication and leadership understanding is lifting up our skills and abilities beyond what seemed to be possible.
Rene N. Ritter
Strategic Sourcing and VE Manager, Hannover Area, Germany, Oil & Energy
Guten Morgen Herr Hüsch, ich bin gegenüber Motivations- und Führungsseminaren und den dabei gelehrten Techniken eher skeptisch eingestellt. Von Ihrem 3-tägigen Workshop bin ich sehr positiv überrascht. Die Techniken und Instrumente sind tatsächlich anwendbar. Auch Ihr Unterrichtsstil hat mich überzeugt. Dieses Führungsseminar hat mich überzeugt, was sonst selten der Fall ist.
Roger Schoch
Eidg. dipl. Experte in Rechnungslegung und Controlling
Gerry, I hope you remember me from your trip to India. We had met at Mr. Bose's wedding anniversary party that you had generously hosted for all of his family. I wanted to thank you for talking to me that day at the party. You had set in motion a series of events that eventually led me to getting certified in the PCM Methodology last year. At present, I’m the only Indian who is certified in the PCM Methodology!!! It has added value to my communication and has been getting glowing reviews with my clients too. Your amazing personal life story of hard work, perseverance, and initiative has also played a part in inspiring me to work on several leadership modules that I have custom-designed for Indian managers in global jobs. So, thank you for your time and for being a source of inspiration. I most certainly am looking forward to working on some project together, in the near future.
Ronald S. Fernandes
CEO, Metamorphosis
Gerald Huesch conducted training for our team on 'Transformation and Leadership'. I found the course material and his style to be very engaging, informative and relevant – he kept the team involved & motivated from the beginning to the end. He is deeply knowledgeable about his subject matter and knows how to deliver the information in a way that is pertinent to his audience.
Shivani Govil
Vice President, Solution Management, SAP Ariba
Gerald was surprisingly quickly able to find out strengths and weaknesses of our organization and adapted his training accordingly – helping me to better understand how to improve things.
Steffen Klewitz
Strategic Marketing Director, SAP
I found the meeting leadership instruments in particular to provide immediate value. Before the training, my capability to lead large meetings was quite limited. Less than a week after the training I led two large meetings, one with board-level attendees and the other with technical experts. In both, I was able to directly apply the instruments learned, and the outcome was excellent feedback on the quality of moderation.
Senior Project Manager
Global, innogy Consulting GmbH, Essen
I had a group-level and a face-to-face training with Gerald on general leadership and some more detailed topics. Both training units were absolutely outstanding. Gerald has excellent expertise and knows how to teach in a way it will not get forgotten in the next days of regular business.
Robert Stößer
I attended a leadership training program taught by Gerald and came away incredibly impressed by his expertise and insight into leadership, and his ability to teach, train, and develop people on the same. This would, for me, be without doubt one of the best programs that I have attended, and one that I got the most value from, in many years of management experience.
Sunil Balagopal
VoiceCash Holdings B.V., Chief Executive Officer, Austria, Banking
Gerald’s leadership-instruments and implementation-system allowed us to cut the estimated time of change and transformation by more than a half. The results are outstanding and caused a true cultural change.
Tatiana Novikova
Mondi Syktyvkar, HR Director, Russia, Paper Industry
Hallo Gerald, Dein Kurs war definitiv einer der kurzweiligsten und anwendbarsten, den ich je hatte. Danke.
Dr. Thorsten Andres
Vice President Development, BENTELER Steel/Tube GmbH
I felt enlightened regarding having a structure with tools to develop my leadership abilities.
Vice President
no name mentioned
Dear Mr. Huesch, we are greatly thankful for you to give managers of Jinan Pneumatics Co. Ltd. and colleagues from HQ and Shanghai who participate in JPC projects a great 'cross-culture, multifunctional, efficient teamwork' leadership training. I, as one of the trainees, benefited a lot from the training. During the three days, Mr. Huesch taught us three practical management tools by making us participate in three games. That is really impressive:
• Climate chart is a tool to evaluate a team as a whole.
• 8 chambers decision-making teaches managers how to make effective project management and how to improve efficiency.
• The percentage of success method tells us how to discuss tough problems and solve them effectively.
Our team spirit is strengthened by the training. We also learned effective management concepts and tools. As Mr. Huesch said when he gave us the Berlin Wall stone: 'In the process of pursuing success, no one can make it without others' cooperation.' I cordially wish Mr. Huesch can train managers worldwide. I believe more managers and companies will benefit from it. This is a very meaningful cause. Thanks again for your excellent training.

Wei Wei
Teilnehmer der Führungsschulung
I have recently attended a training on 'transformation & leadership' held by Gerald. It was the best training session I have ever had. Gerald is a very experienced and energetic person with great communication skills. I would recommend this training to everyone. Good job, Gerald!
Yuecel Karabulut
Director Product Management, Oracle
Dear Gerald, thank you for making the annual Kuoni India Key Managers’ Seminar so special. You have a singular ability to galvanize 120 people such that they are attentive and participative throughout a 4-hour session. ‘This was the best KMS ever’ was a line I heard again and again at the end of the day! I certainly look forward to working with you in the future.
Zarine Mathias
Kuoni AG, Head - Training & Development and Management Trainee Program, India
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